Monday, March 7, 2011

Meyer Lemons

Tonight's dinner revolved around the Meyer Lemon. When I made the weekly menu I planned on using a substitution (1/4c. Meyer lemon juice = 3 T. lemon juice + 1 T. orange juice + 1/2t. sugar.) I didn't think my local grocery store would have them in stock (heck, I've never even heard of them before this March 2011 issue of Cooking Light.) I was very happy to be proven wrong. Kroger had two bags.
from Cooking Light, March 2011
WW plus points: 5 + 3 = 8
(the links to the recipes are from a Google search since I didn't want to type them out myself)
(many thanks to the bloggers who did type them out)

The chicken was AWESOME.
Matt's exact words were, "Babe, this is awesome."
Lauren ate her chicken and asparagus in 2 minutes flat. She then had 2 more servings of asparagus and also an entire Meyer lemon cut into wedges...and some grapes.
Tyler told me he thought his dinner was "interesting" (which is what I taught the kids to say if they don't like it...sounds better than "disgusting" right?) but he ended up eating most of his dinner.
I thought the asparagus was good but a little overkill on the oil and butter. It's drizzled with oil and roasted and then drizzled again with browned butter. Next time I'll just steam the asparagus and only add the browned butter, salt and olive oil needed.

Lauren made a comment today that made Matt and I laugh. Oh how we love their naivete, innocence, youth and whatever the word is that I'm trying to think of!

Anyway, she was playing with her Zhu Zhu pets and made a castle for them. She told Matt that they had a "horse-field around them." (force-field)

And not to leave the boy out...
Whenever Tyler sneezes he always blesses himself. "Bless you," he says. When he sneezes I always say, "bless you" as well. When I do this he gets upset and tells me I don't do it right. I'm not supposed to say Bless You since he's the one who sneezed. We've gone back and forth on this and I'm just going to let it be.

1 comment:

nicole. said...

Ha! Braeden always says "excuse me" when someone burps. Kids are SO funny.