Thursday, June 26, 2008

enchanted day

Today we went to the Enchanted Forest. I used to love coming here as a child and it was even cooler to bring my kids there. Lauren and Tyler both really enjoyed the fairy tale themed houses and they even rode together on a train/roller coaster. I would have included pictures but I still can't figure out how to resize them so they are smaller (and won't take up a big chunk of my allowed picture space on blogger.)

After the Enchanted Forest we went on up to Woodburn to see Aunt Mili and Uncle Kevin's house. I hadn't been there since there has been a woman's touch to it. It looks very inviting and clean! now. It definitely looks like a home now. Mili made us a delicious Peruvian dinner. Adobo chicken, mashed potatoes and rice with aji salsa. It was similar to this recipe but different and I'm sure better. =) I'm pretty sure I could live off of white rice and the aji salsa.

After dinner the kids played with Uncle Brian and Aunt Mili while we waited for Uncle Kevin to get home from work. We all visited and played for another couple of hours. Lauren kept asking where "Aunt Meewee" was whenever she wasn't in the same room together. She really took to her and loved to play chase and trains with her.

Later and already past the kids bedtime, we headed for home and bed. I'm still getting over my jet lag and lack of sleep since the kids aren't sleeping in so I'm headed off to bed very soon now.

1 comment:

Dana said...

i can't wait to see the pictures!! Seems like y'all have been gone forever!! Miss y'all!!! Hope everyone is well on the big "WEST" coast. Tell Lauren I know that it is chilly in the strang and unfamiliar land mommy took her to but she will be back soon sweatin' with the rest of us!!TTYS!

BTW...just because you are all the way out there does not mean you can skip blog days!!! :)