Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Surgery and Song

Matt started off the day with a bit of surgery. He had the basal cell carcinoma removed from his chest. The biopsy he had taken last week came back as cancer but a very unaggressive kind. They just scraped it off instead of doing the Mohs surgery he had last time. He seems to be doing fine but just can't wrestle with the kids today.

While Lauren was at school Tyler did a a lot of talking. He likes to talk about himself in the 3rd person. i.e. "move out Tyler way" "Tyler open" Before picking her up we ran to Walmart for a couple things and he had a Daddy fixation going on. Every guy he saw he would call "Daddy" he says this really fast so it sounds more like "Da-eeee." When Matt gets home he continues his Daddy fixation and wants nothing to do with me. poor Mommy.

For dinner I made roasted green beans and prosciutto wrapped chicken. I even let Matt have some even though he wanted me to get ham instead since it was cheaper. He did admit it wouldn't have tasted nearly as good wrapped in lunch meat.

After dinner we packed up and headed to Program "God Bless America" at her school. While she was coming up to the stage with her class she saw Matt right there taking a picture and broke down in tears. Her teacher quickly swooped her away with the class so crisis was averted. She did fine the rest of the concert even singing a couple of the songs with gusto. Unfortunately her chronic cough is back and she coughed throughout all the songs. She did cover her mouth like her Mama taught her. Since she did such a great job at the program and to start a little fun tradition we went and got an iceLauren's Spring-cream cone afterwards. Marble Stone Creamery was the closest place and both Lauren and Tyler enjoyed their ice-cream. (as did Matt and I.)

Off to watch Big Brother but by reading the blogs I already know what happens. =)

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