Thursday, September 25, 2008

I hate to brag but...

I believe every mom and dad believe their child/children are the smartest, most beautiful, best behaved and the most well-mannered kid/s on the planet. Well, I hate to brag but my kids no doubt excel in all the aforementioned areas but above all they absolutely have the best table manners. I offer proof by way of pictures. I have no doubt you will wish they were your kids.

(hey at least she's eating her spinach noodles.)

Today was the Partners Pizza day at Lauren's school. Tyler wanted to impress all the older ladies in the 4 year old preschool so he picked out a very GQ-ish outfit. From his styled hair right down to his brand new white Nikes. He's out the door ready to go.
We met Lauren's class at the door of the pre-school and walked over the golf cart bridge and right into the parking lot of the pizza parlour. I wasn't even aware there was a Partners Pizza right there. Mr. John who taught/entertained the kids about pizza did a great job. He was showing the kids how to expand the pizza by throwing it in the air. At one point he threw it so high up it got stuck in the rafters. All the kids and parents were cracking up. Here are some shots of Lauren and her classmates making their very own pizzas.

(a note on the headband. she got this as a party gift from Eryn's birthday party and has insisted on wearing it everyday since. maybe I'll take this opportunity to grow her bangs out.)

After the kids finished prepping their pizza Mr. John took it in the back to put it in the oven. While it was baking he took all the kids sans parents (bummer because I wanted to go too) on a tour of the oven area. The kids came back out with lots of shouts of how cool that was.

Not long after their return the pizzas were baked and ready to eat. Mr. John even brought out a couple of pizzas for us Moms (and Dads...there were 2.) It was a very fun field trip and I'm so glad that I am able to attend all her school functions. Thank you Matt for working so hard...and allowing me to stay home. We sure miss you when you're gone though. (He's out of town yet again this week)

When we're at home now there are a couple of new favorite things the kids prefer to do. The first is play school. Lauren loves to be the teacher and also the student if I will be the teacher. She will lay out her blankets on the floor and then bring buckets full of toys out and place them on each of the blankets. These are called stations. If I'm the teacher I will let her and Tyler know when it is time to switch stations and then finally when it is time to get together for group time. At group time Lauren usually likes to be the teacher and read to her students...aka, Tyler. Here she is reading a book to Tyler who is sitting in his special dump truck.

Their other favorite activity is playing outside. While I'm making dinner in the kitchen I let them play in the front and back yard after drilling them on the rules. 1. No going in the street. 2. Staying in our yard. 3. Telling me if ANYONE comes over or talks to them. (today Lauren came in and told me Mr. Buddy talked to her....good girl.) I also check on them every 2-3 minutes. They love the independence of getting to roam all over our huge front and back yards.

And speaking of making dinner... Today I made a curried shrimp from my Self magazine. This was delicious with shrimp, veggies and mango. I love curry.

Now I'm going to devote my full attention to the 2 hour premier of the new Survivor: Gabon. Are there meetings one can attend for reality tv addictions?


Matt said...

What a stud with his new shoes on! I miss you guys!

Matt said...

call me during a commercial...I want to go to bed soon...