Monday, September 28, 2009

Blogging in Georgia and Haunting in Connecticut

If it's unclear: I'm blogging in Georgia while watching the movie "The Haunting in Connecticut."
(Detective Stabler is in, right?!)
Matt is playing poker in the basement so if I get too scared at least there are some big strong men downstairs to protect me. Matt doesn't like (a.k.a. is afraid of) scary movies so poker nights are the only nights I can watch my horror flicks.

Yesterday, we met our friends Dave and Susan at the park for a picnic lunch. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Tyler did some first class swinging on Daddy's lap.

Lauren insisted on swinging all by herself. She does not need anyone to push her anymore.
Ian, Lauren and Tyler had some fun popping bubbles.
Later that evening Matt watched Sunday Night Football with some friends while the kids and I enjoyed a candlelit dinner (per Lauren's request.)
Today Tyler had his 2nd dentist appointment. He was 100% grumpy and refused to cooperate at first. No smiles, no talking, he wouldn't even open his eyes to watch the movie on the ceiling. At least he let the sweet DH clean his teeth.

He wouldn't even open his eyes for me to take a picture. (the little bugger)
Tomorrow I'll try to post our Weekly Menu and the recipes for tonight's dinner. It was DE-lish. Fillet Mignon, garlic mashed potatoes and corn. All healthy recipes and very yummy.
Now I must pay attention to the Haunting and get totally freaked out.
Sweet Dreams to All.

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