Sunday, December 21, 2008

I'm so bummed out....

So I've been hearing about the snow/ice storms out West but I never thought they would actually ram an icicle straight into my heart full of Christmas excitement. Since it's been in the 70s here for the past week I guess it was hard for me to really grasp how bad this storm was. Today, however, I have been hit with a real snowball.

I received the call at the right time this morning. It was almost 11am and my mom called from her cellphone. Of course I thought she was calling to say that my brothers, sister-in-law and her were all comfortably buckled in and awaiting take off for their flight from Portland to Atlanta. But by her tone, I immediately KNEW something was wrong. I've received a "bad" phone call from her before so I'm pretty keen on tone now. Turns out Portland cancelled their flight due to the winter weather and there are no other flights available from Portland, Eugene, or Seattle (and the road to Boise is closed.) So they had to rebook on the earliest available flight which puts them in Atlanta smack in the middle of CHRISTMAS DAY! (and only if the weather has let up by then!)

I've been dancing around here the past couple of days full of anxious excitement to have my whole family here and now they won't be here today. I'm So Bummed Out.

my mom called again and said they were confirmed for a Phoenix -to- Atlanta flight on the all they need to do is fly standby to Phoenix in the hard can that be for 4 people?!?! prayers and crossed fingers....please.

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