Sunday, December 14, 2008

a centered, end of week and weekend recap

playing dress up with school projects playing dress up with my shoes and Grandpa Bob's hat
playing dress up with my make-up...
nice Zoolander smile Tyler!

Blondies for the Community Group Christmas Party

White Elephant gift for the Christmas Party
"Big Old Eco-Friendly Grocery Bag of Corporate Clutter, Merry Christmas Anyway)
(included: bag, HarrisGroup shirt, Harrisgroup pen, Harrisgroup desk-top game, Harrisgroup thumb-drive)
basically this was a bunch of HG stuff we had laying around the house. The gift actually got stolen a couple of times (because of the thumb-drive.)

The Other White Elephant Gift for the party
"Bigger is NOT always Better. Merry Christmas Anyway"
this Outback take-home bag included all our leftover ketchup and soy sauce packets from restaurants along with a couple of Chick-fil-A happy meal toys, 2 Wendy's straws, a pair of "only used once" chopsticks, Hilton Hotel soap, lotion, shampoo, body wash, coffee packet, tea packets, equal, sweet-n-low, toothbrush with my Dentist's info on it, sample of floss, mac-n-cheese cheese packet and basically every random thing I had laying around the house that didn't cost me a dime. =)
I know the recipients of this gift secretly admired it even though they didn't act like it. lol.
It was a fun fun party. Matt took home an actual cool gift of some tools and I won myself a pen/pair of bi-focals...which I'll probably need by this time next year if I don't White Elephant them back by then.
Thursday dinner before the party:
looks like sausage eh?
soysausage turned into a delish bowl of chili
I substituted the soysausage for the tempeh cuz Walmart don't carry them no tempeh.
and to gross y'all out...
scar update
not so bad, no?!
new hair color update

(the scar just DRAWS your eye don't it?! Matt says it doesn't but you and I know different.)

crusty Italian bread
crusty Italian bread with Pasta Primavera with smoked Gouda. = YUMM

opening our first Christmas presents

ornaments from Grandma Jan and Grandpa Michael
Tyler's "on-demand" smile. way cute! (not pictured: ornaments from Uncle Todd, Aunt Jennifer and cousin Madison)

my scar treatment solution

I'll keep you posted.
Matt spent the day working on our annual Christmas DVD and I wrote up addresses for our Christmas cards. I'm also suffering through another miserable episode of the never-really-going-away-back-ache
To take my mind off my pain I kept busy in the kitchen. I made the Sicilian Sausage Stuffed Pizza.
ready to go into the oven

fresh out of the oven

what was left over. It was very good. Tyler preferred just the pizza crust while Lauren ate the whole thing.

Currently Matt is moping about because he got royally thrashed in the Fantasy Football playoffs. The worst thing is that he played against Buddy this week.
And now I hear the kids sort of crashing and otherwise begging for the bath and bedtime routine to begin.
And there you have the
end of week and weekend recap.

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