Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm Too Tired to Blog but...

I kept telling myself I was too tired to blog but then I kept thinking of things I wanted to remember for tomorrow's post. So here it goes....

Today was a busy day.
9:00am Lauren to school.
10:00 New play group for Tyler. 2 boys and 2 girls today. lots of fun for Mr. T and me.
12:00pm pick up Lauren from school
12:30 lunch
1:30 Play group #2 at the park with Sebastian. Lots of sand, dirt, tears but mostly fun.
3:00 nap and quick break for me (break = unload dishwasher, put away folded laundry, prepare for evening and clean the disgusting microwave)
5:00 dinner
6:00 errands including filling up the tank for $2.96 per gallon!!
6:45 Impact Group
9:00 the kids are finally in bed
9:00 I'm Tivo-ing the debate to watch during nap tomorrow.

Speaking of the debate...
Funny thing...
I get a bunch of political jokes via e-mail.
A lot (not all) of my friends from out West send me pro Obama e-mails and a lot (not all) of my friends from the South send me pro McCain e-mails. I Don't Care Who You Vote long as you are educated and not voting from prejudice or pre-conditioned ideas. Watch, Learn and Decide for yourself. Get educated and then VOTE. Please don't cancel out my vote. If you don't educate yourself then Please Don't Vote. (I may be the only one to ever say don't vote but hey...)

And that's all I got today. I need to get to bed because I have another busy (but not as busy) day tomorrow.

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