Monday, May 23, 2011

Weekly Menu 5-21-2011

This was delish!  We added some left-over cooked and cubed chicken breast from the weekend (to make Matt happy.)  Everyone loved it.  I actually enjoyed the pistachios (being the nut hater I am) and Lauren is taking some left-over pasta to school with her.  And oh the Biscuits!  Matt said I should only make these biscuits from now on.  Yes, they were that good....and so easy.

WednesdayAll-American Chili (Family Circle, Oct. 2011) & corn bread
Thursday:  left-overs or pantry meal
Saturday:  Abigail's BD party (boys are on their own)
Sunday:  Memorial Day cook-out at Dave and Susan's (Please send me recommendations for a side dish to bring!)


Anne C. said...

We call those biscuits....Bisquick's version of Red Lobster biscuits. I love Red Lobster biscuits!!!!!
Anne C

Anonymous said...

The Cheese-Garlic Biscuits sound just like Red Lobster biscuits. Can't wait to try these! Grandma Jan