Thursday, May 5, 2011

Seven Year Old Girls...Gotta Love 'Em

Here is a video from yesterday.  Lauren was throwing a fit because she got in trouble and had to go to bed before we read our bedtime books. (you may have to turn your volume up a bit but all she wants to do is READ BOOKS!)

And here she is today...
She did NOT want to do her homework and threw another famous fit so I sent her to her bedroom until she finished it.  She decided to take a nap on her floor first.

She was out but was she comfortable?

After her nap she eventually calmed down and was finally able to finish her homework.  But not before losing any and all screen time privileges for the entire weekend.  Lord help us.

My Seven Year Old Girl is a challenge but I love her so much.


brian said...

Illiteracy in America is a crippling problem and with this video evidence blame can solely be placed on the parents. Because clearly children just want to READ BOOKS!!!

Christine said...

Brian you crack me up. I might be willing to bet money that my child is the ONLY child throwing a tantrum demanding she READ BOOKS. And for that we should thank her parents! =)

Anonymous said...

my kids get more upset when i take their books than anything else i can take away. Justin has just started but he is definitely an avid reader already. Good luck, it only gets worse, you should see how many books cari has that she rereads constantly. Sometimes she wont go to sleep or go out and play, definitely an issue.

Anonymous said...

That was an awsome video! It didn't sound like she shed a tear. But I think I heard Matt in the background reading to Tyler! I called Jennifer and told her to read your blog because that will be Madison in 2 more years. Grandma Jan

nicole. said...

lol... just wait till she is 15