Sunday, October 9, 2011

S'mores and S'friends

Last night Dave and Susan invited us and some other friends over to make S'mores in their backyard.

The children are all bundled up, not because it was going to be cold but to protect themselves from bug bites.

We all had a great time. 
The grown-ups talked with grown-ups and made sure no children fell in the fire.
The children sprinkled some potato chips around the yard in hopes of baiting Big Foot (he didn't show, thankfully) and then got down to playing and having fun.

(check it out, I finally used Picnik to make some photo collages) 

going, still going, and just about gone
(digital proof that Tyler still occasionally snuggles with me)

Thanks for having us Dave and Susan!

(let it be known, I have added a fire pit to my wish list)

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