Saturday, October 15, 2011

Santa, do you read my blog?

Lauren started her Christmas list today.  This is for Santa and also anyone else who may be reading and wanting to give her a Christmas gift.  =)

(click on the pictures for a closer look)
she's so worried about the price Santa may pay

 Tyler saw what Lauren was doing and decided to make his own list.

The Tyler-list breakdown:
Left:  the whole picture once again.
Middle (l-r:)  Zhu Zhu Pet, iPod, cat, flip flops
Right (l-r):  basketball, lantern, airplane, bomb, eraser

In case you didn't catch it from the picture above...
My son requested Santa bring him a BOMB for Christmas.
He told me the girls at school had pink ones but he wanted a blue one.
should I be worried?

Later this evening Lauren was still in a creative mood so she made up her own game.  She did this all on her own. (I only told her how to spell some of the words)  You roll the little pink teddy-bear and whatever she lands on you have to do.  (My favorite is the top-just-left of center:  "say I love you to Mommy")

I heart my life:  Kids and Hubby and all.

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