Friday, August 14, 2009


I was going to post last night but Big Brother was ExPloSive!! If you know anything at all then you know what I mean. (hahaha)

Anyway let's back track to Wednesday. While Lauren was at school Tyler and I went to playgroup. They all discovered Sam had the coolest toy EVER! This was a battery powered elephant who launched butterflies out of it's trunk. They looked like butterflies but Tyler kept calling them "coffee." He probably thought the sound was similar to my coffee grinder.

Thursday, Tyler and I met Susan, Ian and Erik (or Eric...I can't remember right now) at Jump 2 It for another playdate. Ian was pretty attached to his Momma and Tyler was happy to tag along.
While Susan played with the boys I got to take care of this bundle of happiness. He liked to fake me out. He'd come barreling toward me and almost reach me but then right angle it another direction. Susan better keep a close eye on him because I just may nab him for myself. (JUST KIDDING SUSAN! (I know she reads this blog sometimes.))

Tyler likes to play in the arcade with pretend money too. Jumping or pretend motorcycle riding...he's happy either way.
" smile Tyler"
After Lauren got home from school we asked if Lea could come over to play. We've missed her the past week.
I simply asked them to look at me for a picture.
Tyler and Two Divas
During a lull in the playdate I turned on a DVR'd (is that a verb now?) episode of Wipeout. They all loved it and watched it for 5 minutes before constructing their own Wipeout obstacle course.

Today (Friday) Tyler and I went back to Jump-2-It for a Mom's Club scheduled event. I didn't take any pictures because they look identical to the ones I took on Thursday. Worth mentioning, Tyler made at least 25 consecutive climbs-up and slides-down on the monstor slide today. I got tired just watching him.
Since Matt had the day off today (remember he only works 4 days a week now) he asked what I'd like him to do. I gave him a list which involved the pressure washer. He absolutely went crazy. He pressure washed the front porch and then he pressure washed the entire back deck. This took all day and the coloring on the wood changed from a dark gray to an orange-ish red. AMAZING. Attempting to write down the effort he made in completing this task is laughable. There's no way to describe how hard this was. Needless to say he's a tired boy tonight. Lucky for him though...I'm still making the family dinner even though I will be eating my dinner at the neighborhood Bunko game.
And to close: the Top 6 and Bottom 2 from Lauren's past 3 days of school.
Six Things She Liked About School
1. when the fire alarm “ringed” (fire drill)
2. I like two of my teachers. Mrs. Thomas, Ms. Dawn (she only has 2 teachers)
3. “look at my brand new sneakers” (part of a song she sang in music class)
4. I liked my friend but I don’t remember her name.
5. I liked my chocolate milk.
6. riding on the school bus
Two Things She Did Not Like About School
1. Lea wasn’t in my class. Maybe I’ll tell my teachers to move Lea and Emma into my class.
2. We couldn’t play on the playground because the grass cutters were cutting. Me: So what did you do? L: We just stayed inside until we could go outside.


brian said...

i see three divas.

Claudine said...

We love Wipeout and also have similar obstacle courses built after viewing an episode. Watch out for the big balls! :-)