Monday, August 10, 2009

the bad, the shocking, and the school day

Matt got a letter from work last week saying that his 10% pay-cut was over.
The next line in the letter said that he was no longer a full-time employee.
He now will be paid his full salary but only 32 hours per week worth.
In summary his 10% pay-cut has turned into a 20% pay-cut.
Due to our diminishing family funds we had to come up with cheap entertainment for the kids and also start to plan for a time when we may need a new primary residence.
And here you have the Cardboard House Fort.
(you can't tell from the picture but it comes with a flashlight taped through a hole in the top of it to provide some light inside.)

And as if this bad news wasn't shocking enough...
Lauren came off the bus today saying her tooth was about to fall out.
My little girl who is riding the big school bus is now going to lose her baby teeth?!
I'll be looking for another gray hair tomorrow morning!
(this pic isn't for the queasy...(there's some blood))
But financial crises and my much-too-quickly-maturing-daughter aside...
Let's talk about Lauren's Second Day of Kindergarten
She once again came off the bus sweaty yet happy and healthy.
She quickly ate her snack and then had a 15 min. snuggle with Cat Baby.
Then she answered the following two questions.
Six Things She Liked About Her Day
1. everything
2. the school bus
3. my new friend but I don't remember her name
4. my other friend, Tera
5. the gummies in my lunch
6. my new friend's lunch bag almost matches mine

Two Things She Did Not Like About Her Day
1. didn’t get to play in the house on the playground
2. the round peanut butter and honey sandwich in her lunch box
I'm thinking about sticking with these questions for as long as she answers them.


DesignerSam said...

Sorry about Matt's news... :( thats no good at all!

They all grow up sometime, just think- soon you guys can shop together and be "girlfriends" lolol.

I love your childrens' answers to things... very cute.

dgentzke said...

How exciting about the tooth. Kylie has a loose tooth too. I was worried that this is too early, as Kaden didn't loose a tooth until he was in 2nd grade. But I feel better now. The are such big girls now.