Wednesday, June 3, 2009

let's play catch-up

Last Saturday Matt mowed a race-car track in our back yard. Tyler kept a close eye on the race car.
Later that evening we had a BBQ.
In the South, however, it is NOT called a BBQ. If you say BBQ you are met with rolled eyes and laughter.
The correct term is a grill-out or a cook-out depending on the number of guests and number of dishes. Who knew?!
Anyway here is part of the spread for our grill-out. Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and a number of side dishes and desserts.
After we finished eating we took the party down to the basement.

Buddy and Dana

Dana and meBuddy and Mary

an after dinner hoe-down

the older boys chose to watch a movie instead of danceMr. Gabriel

The next day... Tyler and Lauren played some dress-up.
Matt wanted me to mention that he had some hesitation while taking this picture.
I think Tyler looks great...he just needs some boys to play with...pretty darn quick. =)

Monday we recieved the video of Lauren's dance recital. It was fun to watch, especially for Matt since he had to miss the actual recital.

Lauren made the back cover. I used my cool new camera to draw an arrow right to her.

Yesterday we caught up on some computer time.

Dinner was from my Weight Watchers 20 Minute Meals Cookbook.
Potato Pierogies with Wild Mushroom Sauce and sauteed asparagus. YUMM.

After dinner we went to Rita's for some Italian Ice and Frozen Custard.
The best part was sitting by the fountain on such a beautiful and warm evening.

whatever this kid wants...he gets!

Today was our weekly Playgroup get-together. We met at Ms Carey's house and she set up the slip-n-slide.
Tons and Tons and Tons of FUN!

Dinner tonight was Cornmeal-Crusted Chicken with Nectarine-Basil Salsa. I don't have a picture but I found a link to a recipe which was VERY close. I cooked up a number of veggies from my fridge as side dishes since Matt informed me he has a surprise in store for us tomorrow which includes dinner.
I can't wait.
Since the kiddos ate such a good dinner
they got to enjoy the Ice-Cream Truck when it came around. Lauren chose a Tweety Bird ice-cream bar and Tyler chose a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (yes, they still make them!) ice-cream bar which thoroughly stained his face.
A perfect evening if you ask my children.

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