Sunday, April 29, 2012

Girl Scout Field Trip: Fire Station #1

Tyler just ran out the door saying, "This is the awesome-est day ever!"
Matt is outside with a handful of the neighborhood kids playing with his gas-powered remote-control car.
Mr. Matt is hands down the "awesome-est" Dad on the block.

While the children play I thought I'd document our day.

Today was a Girl Scout field trip to the Fire Station.  While Tyler and Daddy got a hair cut, L and I visited our county's Fire Station Head Quarters.
It was a pretty impressive and massive station.
The tour was very informative and interesting.

The Daisies and Brownies

Lauren said her favorite part of the tour was going down the slide.
Our firefighters don't have a fireman's pole, instead, they have a super cool (and according to Lauren, "a very dark") slide!
She's blurry but that's her sliding out.

Out front they have a special piece of metal on display.
Lauren asked what it was and it is actually a piece of the World Trade Center.
-pretty cool-

When we got home Lauren joined the crowd of neighborhood kids in a friendly yet fierce game of whiffle ball.
(Tyler was pouting off camera during this picture.)  

They have been playing together all day even taking a break for dinner.
However, since it's almost 8pm and tomorrow is a school day it's about time for me (mean Momma) to tell them it's time to come in from their "awesome-est day ever."

Hope you all had an awesome weekend like we did!

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