Friday, February 27, 2009

I had a thought today...Wow!

Seen on the road on our way home from dropping Lauren off at school:

1. a little Honda Accord with the vanity plate “savngas.”
I’m sure the driver glared at me as I gunned it passed him in my Gas-Guzzling, Earth's-Resource-Destroying SUV. Maybe I’ll get a vanity plate that says “wastngas.”

2. Behind the little Honda was a truck with Face of Jesus decals on his side windows. On his back window however, were two well-endowed "sitting ladies". These ladies had wings and halos so I guess that made them acceptable. I’m not sure what I think about that. At first I rolled my eyes but then it got me thinking. (maybe that was his purpose?) His choice of decals are representative of many people and their relationship with God. We go to church every Sunday but we still fall short of the perfect walk with God. And he's not afraid to acknowledge that with some visual juxtaposition.

Ok, I'm done thinking for the day.

1 comment:

brian said...

dont hurt yourself...