Saturday, March 29, 2008

big boy bed

Today we took a side off of Tyler's crib. I'm so sad that my little baby is growing up. He took his first nap this afternoon and did just fine. We put a gate on the outside of his door since his room is so close to the stairs. I don't want him wandering around at night and accidentally falling down. During his nap I did a killer workout on the treadmill and then showered. After my shower he had his door opened and was saying "please" at the gate. Matt was napping on the sofa downstairs and so he didn't hear the poor guy's pleas. I guess he's going to be a little different than Lauren. If you remember she would sit in her bed and chit chat to herself until I came in her room and told her she could get up. The gate will come in handy.

Other than graduating my baby to big boy status we opted to not spend any money today. I napped while Matt and the kids dropped off recycling, and donated clothes and also stopped at the cleaners. It was a pretty boring rainy day. We did take some time out this evening for a bit of dessert. Even Thomas got some until Tyler realized how good the german chocolate cake was.

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