Saturday, July 26, 2008



Please note: In this post Kleenex and facial tissue will be used interchangeably since Matt no longer works for GP and Kimberly Clark is no longer the enemy.

We are all recovering from the same cold. The cold was pretty mellow. Just a sore throat on day 1 and day 2 and then it went away. No coughing, no watery eyes, no miserable nights due to Matt’s LOUD snoring because he can’t breathe. But this one does seem to have a silent annoyance. There is an endless supply of snot.

I can’t stand snot in my nose but even worse I can’t stand snot in my kids’ nose. Much to the kids’ displeasure I am constantly wiping their nose with Kleenex, using a bulb syringe to suction out a portion of the endless stream or, I must admit, using my fake nails to get those really stubborn boogers out. This requires a lot of facial tissue and now there is facial tissue all over the house.

Much to Matt’s displeasure, my mom taught me not to waste a good Kleenex, not until it’s been used over and over and pretty much disintegrates. So I blow my nose and carefully set it down (so as not to get germs on anything else of course.) I always intend to reuse it later, however, I don’t always remember where I left the old Kleenex. Instead, I usually just grab another….every 3 minutes or so. Lauren has also embraced Grammy’s wisdom on Kleenex and so literally there is Kleenex everywhere.

And poor Matt who’s own mom didn’t teach him the finer things in tissue etiquette stomps and grumbles around the house disposing of our perfectly decent hardly used Kleenex.

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