Friday, November 6, 2009

small project

I've been wanting to reupholster my kitchen-table chairs for awhile now. After 4+ years of kiddos eating and spilling on them the white fabric has really taken on a spotty grayish, brownish black color. I needed CHANGE. I needed them to look CLEAN. I pumped Grandma Jan for her advice and then when Grammy got here I dragged her to the nearest fabric store, Frugal Fabrics, and had her help me choose a new color.

It was frightening and intimidating to walk into the store full of fabric and spools of the scary unknown but since I had my Mommy with me I ventured ahead. We searched the aisles, found the perfect match (Sarandon Plain, Plum) and the nice lady who worked there was very helpful and informative while she cut 3 yards of the stuff for us.

Here I am with my first ever purchase from a Fabric store. It was a Monumental Moment!!

Back home we raided Matt's Toolbox and gathered all the tools we thought we might need and then some.
First we unscrewed the seats from the chairs and then yanked the old staples out. (That sentence was so easy to type but the actual process was quite the sweat inducing workout!)Next we cut the fabric into 8 equal squares. Why 8, you ask? Well honestly, I'm really not sure since we only have 6 chairs. Luckily! we bought enough fabric to cover 8 chairs if we needed to. Any suggestions for art projects for the last two squares?
Although I found Matt's hand staple gun in his toolbox, he suggested (over the phone since he was in the office) that we not use that and instead wait for him to get home so he could use his pneumatic staple gun. (He wasn't quite comfortable with letting Grammy and I loose with it.)
Later on Matt did his magic. Here is a before and after pic. I'm pretty sure that this new color will hide any and all stains. What do you think?
Just to be sure we went ahead and sprayed Scotch Guard all over them. After letting them dry in the beautiful 70 degree sun we went ahead and fastened them back on to the chairs.

One dinner down and ZERO stains to show. This is gonna be good.
I'm very proud of my little project. Thanks to all who helped (G'ma Jan, Grammy and of course Matty-cakes.)


Anne C said...

I would hold onto the extra two squares just in case you need to replace just never know.

Anonymous said...

Job well done , they look awesome.
Michael & Jan :))

Anonymous said...

My mom helped me do that when she was here in September - couldn't have done it without her!
