Each day he was in the hospital, Matt got stronger and stronger. Finally he felt up to having visitors. Tyler was his number one fan. Here they share a Chick-Fil-A lunch delivered by Grandma Jan from the outside. (note: there is a Chick-Fil-A in the hospital cafeteria but for some health conscious reason they do not sell fries, only chips. Matt wanted fries.)
Meanwhile, Grandma Jan checked out my iPod touch.
This is how I stayed connected in the hospital. There was free Wi-Fi and I took advantage of it.
While I spent most of my days at the hospital, Grandma Jan spent her days and nights with Lauren and Tyler.
L and T missed their Daddy but they were perfectly happy to spend quality time with G'ma Jan.
After five (more) nights in the hospital Matt was well enough to come home with a PICC line to continue his IV antibiotic treatment at home.
right after they inserted the picc
(and let me back into the room)
the home treatment supplies
(which cost a small fortune)
l-r: alcohol swab, sodium chloride, antibiotic, sodium chloride, heparin
While Matt recovers at home the beat goes on for the rest of us.
Lauren actually enjoyed her soccer game this week.
She's been struggling the first 2 weeks but she really came around this afternoon.
There was no crying and I actually caught a smile on camera.
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