While Grammy spent Friday through Monday with the kiddos (which included a birthday party, t-ball practice and 2 school Valentine's day parties) Matt and I flew out to California to enjoy the beautiful Napa Valley and also one of my favorite cities, San Francisco. We met up with our good friends, Brad and Ashlie. (It was actually Brad's 'frequent flyer miles' that flew us out there. Thanks Brad!)
We spent our Saturday in Napa Valley and visited three wineries. The valley is Bea-u-tiful!
the happy wine tasters
Brad, Me, Ashlie, and Matt
Brad, Me, Ashlie, and Matt
Look, Spring blossoms have arrived in California.
(Matt and I are looking off into the California Spring...can't you tell?)
We thoroughly enjoyed our weekend in California and now that we are back home we are thoroughly enjoying our week with Grammy. Being the jet-setters we are we'll be back on the road this weekend. This time we'll be taking the whole family, including Grammy, on a trip to beautiful Savannah, GA. I can't wait!
P.S. Thank you for all your comments, e-mails, "facebooks," and phone calls in response to my last post, "Her Mama's Daughter." They really do help me untangle this journey of life and they also encourage me to keep up with the blog. Keep them coming!
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