It was not long after breakfast before Lauren and Tyler were annoying each other. Tyler kept singing his abbreviated version of Jingle Bells. "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle All the Way..." repeat this and only this at least one thousand times. I told Lauren to just ignore Tyler but she could not. I then suggested she put on her headphones. And she did.
Since Tyler was not able to annoy Lauren with her headphones he opted to go play outside in the sandbox. I'm glad he was able to take advantage of the mild temps. It is supposed to rain tomorrow.
Lauren has been spending A LOT of time on the computer lately. She has also become quite a bit sassier as well. I am not saying they are related but I am making the move to find out. My latest parenting technique involves computer time. (And I will also try to honor this by cutting back on my own computer time....ahem) Anyway...I had the kids decorate two paper plates each and write their first initial on them. I hung them from the kitchen counter and told them they were "computer time tokens." They can bring me their token in exchange for twenty minutes of computer time. They are allowed two tokens per day. Today it worked great.
Lauren spent her computer time today on PBS Kids, specifically this site. She learned to cook. It was pretty cool...she got to stir together and toss pizza dough all with the mouse.
Since Matt is out entertaining "corporate" who are visiting from Seattle, I get to choose my own entertainment for the evening. It is between my new book purchased from Amazon, Cook This, Not That, by David Z. and Matt G., my new book borrowed from the library, Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See, and "The Soloist," rented from NetFlix.
Good Night Y'All.
Too much computer time really seems to cause my kids to act grumpy -- especially, but not limited to, Tommy. It got so bad that for the last two years they only get 30 minutes each and only on Friday. At first they thought I was terrible, but they are used to it now and plan all week what they will play.