Monday, January 18, 2010

nonchalant conversation

Lauren and I had a disturbingly nonchalant conversation today.

(This happened after I asked Lauren what she wanted to be when she grew up. As always, she answered that she wanted to be a Mommy. )

Lauren: What will happen if you die when I am six years old?
Me: Daddy will take care of you and teach you to be a good Mommy.

Lauren: What if Daddy dies too?
Me: Then Grammy, Grandma Jan, or MeMa will take care of you and teach you to be a good Mommy.

Lauren: But how will I get a baby in my tummy then?
Me: (thinking...OMG are we having this conversation for realz?) Well, you will meet a nice boy, get married and then he will help you.
Lauren: Okay, I have to go tee tee.

Yes, I feel this was a good enough answer to a five-year-old's nonchalant question.


  1. tee tee to the rescue, good answers Mom Loved Tylers beer!!!

  2. Lol. This reminds me of a similar conversation in the movie "Knocked Up."

    Sadie: Where do babies come from?

    Debbie: Where do you think they come from?

    Sadie: Well. I think a stork, he umm, he drops it down and then, and then, a hole goes in your body and there's blood everywhere, coming out of your head and then you push your belly button and then your butt falls off and then you hold your butt and you have to dig and you find the little baby.

    Debbie: That's exactly right.

  3. Thanks Brian...I'm laughing hard. When the inevitable "How did the baby get into the Mommy's tummy?" question is asked I always planned on telling Lauren that the "Mommy ate the baby" but maybe I will memorize the "Knocked Up" answer and use that instead. =)
