I spent the weekend doing as little as possible all in the comfort of various Pajama sets. (Here in the south they are pronounced pa-jaw-mas.) I was able to keep fashionable because one of my mom's-in-law gives me a new pair of pajamas for Christmas each year. I heart comfy PJs...especially when I'm sick.
Just because I didn't leave the house doesn't mean there wasn't a whole lot of fun going on.
Lauren and Tyler have been counting down the days until their friend Sebastian's birthday party. Since I wasn't able to go...thanks to the pink-eye goo...Matt was more than willing to take them. He even took them shopping earlier Saturday to buy Sebastian a present (a very boyish truck.) They were gone just over 2 hours when I called to make sure everything was okay. They had decided to add in some Christmas shopping too. They got home with just enough time for me to wrap the present and have Lauren and Tyler make up a birthday card before it was Party Time.
Here is the birthday boy ready to blow out his 3 candles.
at the party there were lots of toys...
...food (I think...)
oh..and crazy clown wigs.
The kids had a great time and came home telling me how sad I should feel for missing it. Lauren said it was "funnest as a giant." And you can only imagine how fun that must be.
Sunday, I made up the grocery list and once again sent Matt out while I stayed home. I asked the kids if they wanted to stay home with Mommy or go to the grocery store with Daddy. (This is always a rhetorical question...of course they would rather go with, Always Funner Than Mommy, Daddy.) Oddly, Lauren wanted to stay home with me....right up until Daddy and Tyler were out the door and got in the car. So once again I was left alone in a big, quiet, and relaxing house. I was feeling better so I did a few loads of laundry and picked up a bit.
They got the groceries and also did some more impromptu Christmas shopping. We are almost done Folks!! Just a few stragglers to buy for.
Since I was feeling better I made dinner for us all. Baked Spaghetti Squash was on the menu and I needed to use up the mushrooms I bought for it. Matt begged me not to make it because he just "knew" it wouldn't be edible. I made it anyway and it was really good. I even had my own hesitation about it. (I mean, c'mon, Spaghetti Squash?!) Matt couldn't believe how good it was. He even called me from work today to tell me his left-overs were Excellent. Now if Matt thinks a vegetable based dinner is good then You Need To Try It Too! (it does have 2 sausage links in it too.) Here is the recipe...HERE.
The excellent dinner put Matt in a good mood and that gave him the urge to make Chocolate Chip Cookies (I'd link to the recipe but just go buy yo'self a bag of Nestle Milk Chocolate chips and follow the recipe on the bag.)
The excellent dinner put Matt in a good mood and that gave him the urge to make Chocolate Chip Cookies (I'd link to the recipe but just go buy yo'self a bag of Nestle Milk Chocolate chips and follow the recipe on the bag.)
studying Matt's technique
(I guess I need to clean that darn microwave everyday, huh?)
posing with her hat and apron (sorry, I didn't feel like turning the picture around.)
Matt's t-shirt really freaks me out in this picture...it might have to "accidentally disappear".
This morning I woke up with my OTHER EYE all gooped up. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. However, there was no way I was spending another day confined to my house so I put in a couple drops of my prescription eye-drops, put on some real clothes and went out anyway. K-Mart was having an unbelievable sale so I threw my pride out the window and went into the store. I'm sure my mom is Shocked. When she used to take me to K-Mart (as a child) I would Insist on staying in the car for fear someone would see me in the store and I would be docked a few thousand "coolness" points. But in these times, a good deal is a good deal...and you just may get said good deal as a Christmas gift.
After our K-Mart adventure we went to the library to return and check out some books. This time I didn't have any unfortunate pant splitting experiences. We picked out our books and while Tyler played with the toys, Lauren played on the computer. She did a little Playhouse Disney.
Back home we had a quick lunch and then a late nap. I watched my show and then got started on dinner. Pumpkin Burgers and Sweet Potato Oven Baked Fries. Both of these were okay but just not crispy enough. Therefore I'm not providing a link. You'll have to Google search them if you're desperate.
Instead I'll insert a picture of Lauren in her blond Pocahontas t-shirt she made at school.
We even added the braids to emphasize the character.
and we must include Tyler with his 2 suckers for a snack
and here's some visual proof that I'm still around (and back in my comfy PJs...and what is that!!?...a double chin?! omgosh!)
Tonight was the usual Monday night routine. Play, Clean-Up, Snack, Bath, Books, Bed, and Poker (Matt.)
In about 5 minutes I will retire to my bedroom suite and S-l-o-w-l-y read the fourth and final book in the Twilight series. I'll be so sad when I'm done.
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