Later that evening we had Morgan from across the street come to watch the kids while GG, Matt and I went to Frank's Family Restaurant to celebrate Mother's Day (or Grandmother's Day in GGs case). Frank's is a hole in the wall joint located behind a gas station about 5 minutes from our house. The food was excellent, however. We bought 2 turnovers (apple & cherry) to enjoy for breakfast.
This morning (Saturday) GG, the kids and I spent a couple hours soaking up the sun on the back deck while Matt trimmed and mowed Mike and Connie's lawn and also Frederick and Maria's lawn. He needs to earn his poker money somehow. He was going to mow our lawn too today but the fertilizer company came and sprayed. He'll have to do it tomorrow instead.
After naps Matt and I left the kids with GG while we headed up to Atlanta for the Braves v. Oakland Athletics game. When we got home GG and the kids were all in bed so we don't know how it went but I'm sure it was smooth sailing. The kids love their GG and Lauren does anything she can to help out. We'll find out for sure tomorrow.
Unfortunately, the Braves lost but Matt and I had a good time together. We got there early to eat dinner at the restaurant in the stadium where we caught a glimpse of batting practice and then we made it to our seats right at the fair ball line in left field. No complaints from me for our free tickets. There was a group of loud mouthed, yet funny, New York business men sitting behind us. They kept us laughing with their antics and New York accents. (we heard "yous" a lot in their converstion.) It was sure a fun night.
Here's a picture of our view...the game was not sold out...which was a little surprising since it was a Saturday and BEAUTIFUL weather.
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