Creedence was a lot of fun. Our neighbor is a Coke rep and had table tickets to the concert. Unfortunately he wasn't able to go. It was Mr. Nelson and Betsie, Gabriel and Mary, Buddy and Dana and dateless me. We all brought appetizers and drinks and had a light dinner before the opening band came out. I made Tex-Mex Tortilla Rolls. These were easy and since I wasn't feeling up to par I didn't feel like making anything too difficult. They went over very well and I will definitely make them again. CCR is actually a cover band of the original CCRevival. The drummer and bass guitar are the original members and the lead singer is the old lead singer of the Cars. All together they put on a great show...lots of energy.
Since Matt held out with hopes of feeling better until later in the afternoon we still had Morgan come over to sit with the kids. Matt stayed in bed and I just left Morgan her money on the counter telling her she could go home after the kids were in bed. She left a nice note for me saying the kids were wonderful and that Matt stayed in his bed and wasn't any trouble either. We like our baby-sitters!!
On Sunday I rested most of the day to shake this bug and headache. The kids and Matt got to play all day. I know they all loved it. Especially the kids. Matt took them to Walmart to buy new sand (this time it was RED!!) They stopped at McDonalds for lunch (since I wasn't there) and also played at the park for awhile. They sure love their days with Daddy.
Today my plan is to tackle all the bathrooms. (I can't believe we're thinking about adding another bathroom in the basement!) I need to get ready for GG on Wednesday and also Bunko on Friday.
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