Sunday, September 5, 2010


Above is Lauren doing part of her weekly homework. It looks like she's doing a great job on HER homework. But she's actually doing a great job on OUR homework. In order for her to do her homework I (the parent who already went through school and thought she was forever done with homework) had to do a lot of prep work to get her started.

See, I had to make up this worksheet for Lauren to practice her sight words. My instructions were to have my child practice "sight words" by writing the vowels and consonants in different colors.

I also was instructed to have my child practice her "spelling words" by putting them in ABC order. (another worksheet! ...well actually 2 because I have her do each assignment twice) My third homework assignment was to have my child practice her "vocabulary words" by using flashcards. (I have to make up the flash cards and then quiz her on them daily.) This is a total of 5 sight words + 10 spelling words + 10 vocabulary words I have to teach my child each week. It's been so long since I've done any math homework so I can't tell you how many words total but it's one heck of a lot.
Why teachers (and I know a couple of teachers read this...*cough *cough Anne, Ellen) do you assign us parents so much homework? I wanna be dun! I've lurnd all I want two.

I guess I should mention that after 3 weeks of school, Lauren is doing fantastic with her spelling and vocabulary and with learning to read. Who knows for sure if this is due to parent involvement, the awesome teacher she has, or if my girl is just super freaky intelligent like her Momma?! Maybe all three.

(I still don't like homework but I'm not going to tell Lauren that.)

1 comment:

  1. You are cracking me up! Okay....first off you are a way better mom than my student's moms! I am sending home a "Star Student" poster that I want the families to do with their kids and I know I'll be lucky to get any back...filled out or not. I always send home what I want them to do, so the parents don't have to do anything except sit and help out. I'm so sorry you are being assigned homework. :(
