Check out Lauren on her first day of Gymnastics. She really loved the balance beam but her least favorite activity was the bars. Of course, it turned out the only good picture I took was of her on the bars. Oh well. She did say she liked gymnastics better than dance.
Now let's Get Real...
On second thought...let me stall and tell you a funny Tyler conversation first.
Tyler and I were watching a Hot Wheels cartoon this morning (yes, these cartoons actually exist.) It appeared to me to be action-packed and quite violent. I asked him to tell me who the good guys were (he did) and who the bad guys were (he did.) Our quick conversation continued as follows:
Me: What are the bad guys trying to do?
Tyler: They're trying to die people.
(get it? die people instead of kill people? how cute is not.)
Okay it's time...time to Get Real.
I love to blog about how my children are but sometimes I need to Get Real and share what occasionally takes place.
Sometimes Lauren throws a fit/has a major meltdown/shows she is the UFC of TANTRUMS.
Keep in mind this was L's 3rd day back to school (7am - 3pm) and then she had an hour of gymnastics added onto it. (It was a LONG day.) Plus, this morning she chose not to eat breakfast because she "wasn't hungry" and would rather just sit in her chair in front of her Lucky Charms and wait the 30 minutes until the school bus came around.
So anyway, after gymnastics, she got in trouble for not listening to me. I sent her to the "naughty chair."
While serving her 6 minutes on the "naughty chair" my sweet angel completely lost her mind. She began to yell.
From the kitchen I heard a number of shouts.cries.screams which I ignored to her knowledge...but wrote down on a piece of paper. They went like this...
1. (scream/yelling) "Mama's an idiot and stupid and does nothing I want to do." (wow!)
2. "bwaaaaaak" (noise she made to resemble throwing up)
3. "You're so mean...meaner than other people."
4. "I want you to make the timer ring!" (the timer counting down the 6 minutes)
5. "I don't like you anymore."
6. "All I want to do is run away" (where did she hear that one?!)
During her fit I channeled my inner "Super Nanny" and remained calm. I had to reset the timer 2 times because she got out of the naughty chair without permission but once it was all done and over with she was my child all over nothing ever happened. She ate a great dinner and we thoroughly enjoyed the rest of our evening.
I absolutely love that girl with all my heart.
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