(the sticker shows which shoe is the RIGHT one)
Wednesday, Tyler had his school Christmas Program. The Kindergarten class acted out the Christmas story and the pre-schoolers sang Christmas songs. Tyler is in the front row, white shirt, and smack in the middle. He did wonderful. He sang and he also mimicked the conductor by waving his arm up and down to the beat. It was adorable.
They decorated foam stockings...
Tyler DID NOT want to listen to a story first.
He put on his pathetic-grumpy face.
Mrs. Hoffmann sat down beside him and whispered some magic into his ears.
Whatever she said worked because Tyler paid attention to and Enjoyed the story time.
...marshmallows, grapes, pretzels, decorated sugar cookies, popcorn, and Happy Birthday Jesus cake... Tyler ate every last bite except for the grapes (he's not a grape man for some reason.)
We came back to our house to play.
Tyler and Lea took a break from cooking to pose for a picture.
(in three parts)
Part One:
check out the gift from my Mom's Club Secret Mom.
We do a Secret Mom gift exchange where we anonymously exchange a small gift every month.
My Secret Mom ROCKS!
my Grams, aka GG, sent me this Awesome T-Shirt today.
Her card said to wear it with pride in honor of my Dad (who would have been ecstatic about the Ducks playing in the Rose Bowl this year.)
Here I am proudly wearing the perfectly fitting t-shirt.
Part Three:
I wouldn't have taken a picture of this but since Matt said this was definitely "the best chicken noodle soup I've ever had" I couldn't resist.
Yes, it was that good.
Instead of the parsnip I used a potato and I added a diced orange pepper since I had it in my fridge. I also seasoned the chicken with my favorite seasonings (garlic salt, pepper, Adobo and Cavender's All Purpose Greek Seasoning.)
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