(get it? the kids can just eat my blog...ha ha, lol...no, not funny?...oh well.)
(however, if you check my weekly menu left-overs were on the agenda anyway.)
(third tacky parentheses: Sorry for bailing, Community Group...I'll be there next week!)
The past few days I've been battling some flu bug that consisted of body aches and a yucky feeling. No other side effects so I hate to really complain. Today I'm feeling better but the flu bug has turned into the common cold. Ick! I don't really mind until at night. I hate trying to sleep with a stuffed up nose.
So enough about me let's talk about the kids (that's what y'all really want to read about anyway.)
Tuesday we had our parent/teacher conference for Lauren. She is still doing superb in all areas of academia. The word “genius” may have been mentioned. (more than likely, however, that just came from my imagination…but the truth is in the made-up details right?!) As for her social development she is doing much! much! better than the beginning of the year but she still struggles a bit. Her teachers are working with her to acknowledge that it is OK to not be able to do everything and that crying is not an appropriate way to react to many situations. i.e. someone taking her play-dough, not being able to zip up her jacket, not being able to write a "5" correctly etc. etc. Now where does she get her perfectionism and sensitive/shy personality? Oh wait...I know the answer...from Both Of Her Parents!! Wow, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree but Matt and I turned out perfect. So no worries. [wink]
Yesterday Dana had a family emergency and asked me to see Shep and Emma off of the school bus and keep them (yes, here in the South we say "keep" instead of "watch.") until their Grammy could take them off my hands. Lauren and Tyler were thrilled to play with their friends Shep and Emma.
However, Shep got some arm exercises in by throwing darts in the basement. Honestly, I told him to keep it quiet because I didn't want the girls to get any ideas about playing with sharp darts near my nearly hole-less walls.
Dana, bless her heart, left a bag of Emma's outgrown clothes at my door. Lauren and I both love to get new (yet previously loved) clothes. Below is Lauren loving some "new" PJs.
Dinner was pretty simple (yet tasty) last night, which was good since I still wasn't feeling quite up to par. We had Broccoli and Cheddar Soup. Lauren cleaned her bowl and even Tyler ate a couple bites. I wasn't sure if my freezer Biskits would be enough so I found a recipe for some Cheese Crispies. I re-sized the recipe to serve 5 and also used pepperjack instead of cheddar cheese since that is what I had. I thought these were great. The kids, not so much.
I've been stressing about planning the kids' birthdays, both of which are in March. We really don't have the money to spend on a big huge birthday extravaganza so I came up with...no! scratch that!...Google Search suggested I have a "Faux Slumber Party" for Lauren. Kids come in their PJs, bring a pillow and sleeping bag and we do all the fun birthday/slumber party stuff but the kids still get to go home at night. (which is age appropriate for 4 and 5 year-olds don'tchathink?) So last night I/we (Matt helped with the glue-ing and facial features) made up the birthday party invites.
(it's a Sleeping Bag...but you could tell right?!)
with my address & phone number blanked out
I can't have all of the internet stalkers just showing up un-invited to the party. [wink]
(not important: but I feel I must apologize for the redundancy error on the invitation.
I said "RSVP Please"
I said "RSVP Please"
and am so embarrassed for it. Sorry.)
But anyway... Cute, eh? I'd like to take credit but I followed it word for word from the MomReady website. For some reason I can't link to the exact page...it says the site is under maintenance. If you want...you can just pretend that I'm creative enough to come up with the idea myself. =)
To close, I'll give you a Tyler Potty Training Update: Progress 0% (well maybe .05%...you decide)
Tyler will quietly walk up to me and whisper, "Mommy, change my diaper."
Me: "Ok" (I change his diaper)
Tyler, 15 min. later: "Mommy, change my diaper."
Me: "Did you go tee tee or poo poo?"
Tyler: "just tee tee"
Me: "Let's just wait until you go poo poo. If you need to go tee tee you should go on the big boy potty"
Tyler (crashing face down on the floor and wailing:) "Nooooooo, change my diaper, change my diaper"
Me: "Ok" (I change his diaper)
Tyler, 15 min. later: "Mommy, change my diaper."
Me: "Did you go tee tee or poo poo?"
Tyler: "just tee tee"
Me: "Let's wait to until you go poo poo. If you need to go tee tee you should go on the big boy potty"
Tyler: "just tee tee"
Me: "Let's wait to until you go poo poo. If you need to go tee tee you should go on the big boy potty"
Tyler (crashing face down on the floor and wailing:) "Nooooooo, change my diaper, change my diaper"
Me (inside my head): Aaaaggghhhhhh!
Moral of the story: At least he is recognizing AFTER he goes tee tee (potty for all you West Coasters.) that he's uncomfortable and wants to be dry. Hmmmm.
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