ONE: Earlier, while listening to a commercial during my Dr. Laura radio show, I heard a commercial for life insurance. It said, "Life insurance is like a promise; a promise to your family that if something happens to you then they don't have to worry about how to pay the bills....[blah blah blah."] Why do they have to be so P.C?! Why don't they just say "If You Die?" To me, "something happening" to me is getting stung by a bee or getting a flat tire in the double stroller. Not something!
TWO: And what's up with Nancy Grace. Why am I addicted, as of late, to her glam/drama/dare-I-say-smut? (as in the invading fungus!)
and now for the RAVES, three:
ONE: the slider
TWO: Google Reader. It's been around for awhile but I've just fallen head over heals. I can subscribe to my favorite blogs and Google Reader will tell me when they've been updated and will display the new posts to me. I'm sure it does a heck of a lot more but I just discovered it and am still trying to figure it between loads of laundry and vaccuuming sessions and other stay at home Mom activities. E-mail me or comment me and I'll let you know my Favorite blogs...which are so good you don't know what you're missing.
and THREE: Consignment Sales. I just dropped off Lauren and Tyler's winter clothes along with outgrown toys and furniture to the Kids Stuff and More consignment sale . By consigning, I got to shop early. And boy did I shop. I spent a little over $100 but I got most of the kids winter clothes and also a majority of their Christmas presents too.
Here's a pic of half of the loot. Keep in mind I also have a Ton of clothing draped on a chair just out of shot.
The shopping was a complete success. Now lets just hope that other people find as much success In the clothes and other items which I'm trying to sell. They have their chance's a one day sale.
And now for a little from our day:
It was Friday and that means Playgroup day. It was my turn to host and I intended to turn it into a swim party at the neighborhood pool but the weather just didn't cooperate. It was 90 degrees, overcast, thick and overwhelmingly humid. For those with allergies, it was not a day to be outdoors. So we bypassed the pool and the kids had a blast running around the house. The kids ran lap after lap through our track which consists of the kitchen, living room, entry way, play room, narrow hallway w/ the basement door and back into the kitchen. The kids play so well together now that Claudine, Nicole and I have plenty of time chat and learn more about each other.
After playgroup, the kids had lunch and then went down for a nap. When Matt got home we took all our consignment loot and set them up at the sale. Later, I went to shop during the special hour alloted to us consigners, while Matt got the kids ready for bed.
And to bring us up to the current time....Matt is snoring in bed since he is going fishing with Mr. Nelson (neighbor from across the street) at 4am tomorrow morning. And I am watching the latest TIVO'd episode of Swingtown while posting this blog.
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