Check out Tyler's new do....
We had Lauren's first ever parent teacher conference today. I was pleased to hear about her academic achievements since I tend to focus mostly on her social skills. FBK has a rating scale of C=Consistently S=Sometimes and NY= Not Yet. She had mostly Cs on everything, some Ss where it pertained to interacting with others and a NY for not being able to cut a straight line with scissors. She is able to count to 20 and name more shapes than they've gone over in school. And she can recognize the numbers 1-6. I think she can recognize more but that's all they tested for. The teacher says she's doing great in relationship to other kids in her class. Says she has great concentration skills and really takes everything in. She recommends a 5 day preschool next year to really help her with her social skills even though her teacher has seen a lot of improvement throughout the year. I'll get a copy of the evaluation/report card on Thursday so I can be more specific then.
I hope everyone is so excited for the season premier of Big Brother!! whoopee!
Let's see Tyler with a faux-hawk. He could easily pull it off and he'd have all the three year old girls after him.
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