Thursday, June 26, 2008
enchanted day
After the Enchanted Forest we went on up to Woodburn to see Aunt Mili and Uncle Kevin's house. I hadn't been there since there has been a woman's touch to it. It looks very inviting and clean! now. It definitely looks like a home now. Mili made us a delicious Peruvian dinner. Adobo chicken, mashed potatoes and rice with aji salsa. It was similar to this recipe but different and I'm sure better. =) I'm pretty sure I could live off of white rice and the aji salsa.
After dinner the kids played with Uncle Brian and Aunt Mili while we waited for Uncle Kevin to get home from work. We all visited and played for another couple of hours. Lauren kept asking where "Aunt Meewee" was whenever she wasn't in the same room together. She really took to her and loved to play chase and trains with her.
Later and already past the kids bedtime, we headed for home and bed. I'm still getting over my jet lag and lack of sleep since the kids aren't sleeping in so I'm headed off to bed very soon now.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
you have to read this!
Eat at your own risk and have plenty of tissues handy for the tears that sneak out from laughing so hard. (I wish my blog was as well written as hers!)
Lauren says it's cold here!
After we got off the plane Grammy and Mili (my sister-in-law) met us and helped us get our luggage and get into the car. We were all starving so we met up with my brother Kevin at a Shari's in Woodburn for a late dinner. On the way to dinner Mili taught Lauren to count in spanish. Lauren kept saying "hola, dos, tres...." I'm sure she'll learn eventually, especially if Aunt Mili keeps working with her. The kids were so tired at dinner they were giddy. Especially Tyler. He was delirious and laughing at everything. They both slept the whole way home but were ready to play and read books with Uncle Brian and Grammy when we got home.
This morning the kids were up bright and early...6am early!! I'm not enjoying this time change. They had enough new toys in their bedroom so I was able to snooze for another hour while they played. Once we got downstairs the kids had so much fun playing with uncle Brian. He set up his old train track and they played and played. I let them play together and took a job (jog, oops)around the old neighborhood. The houses and streets sure look smaller than what I remember.
Back home I made BLTs for lunch. This was Uncle Brian's request but he doesn't know how to make them. (He still doesn't but that's okay)
Currently the kids are napping and I'm watching Uncle Brian and my favorite soap.... It's on an hour early here. Later we're meeting Great Grandpa Bob and my Aunt and Uncle for pizza.
I did take some pictures but I can't figure out how to resize them but once I figure it out I'll post 'em.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Greetings from Boise
Here's some pics from our trip.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
counting down the minutes
Anyway... Daddy got home yesterday. Earlier in the day we played dress up....
But when Daddy got home that was when the fun began!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
title undecided
1) Summer is Here!
2) Only 2 More Days Until Vacation!
3) Congrats General Hospital for winning the EMMY for Best Drama Series! (as you all agree...not a big surprise.)
I think I'll go with number 3. So let's continue....
Well it's the 1st day of summer and we only have 2 more days to go until our vacation. I'm for the most part looking forward to it but just can't get over my anxiety about our plane trip over. I'm sure it will go just fine and the worst part will end up being the time I'm currently spending worrying about it.
This morning we went to a Family Park Day with the Mom's club. This was at a park in Senoia, GA. This was the first time I had ever actually driven into Senoia (pronounced Se-NOY by the locals) It was a beautiful little town with a recently renovated downtown area. I'm looking forward to going back soon to just walk around and check out the shops. The park was large with many different play areas to appeal to kids of all ages. There were lots of trees so it made the experience quite enjoyable to be able to be in the shade. Lauren and Tyler had a lot of fun playing with Abigail and Isabella from their playgroup.
For lunch we went down the street to the Redneck Gourmet . There is one in Newnan and Senoia but I hadn't gone before today. It was a pretty smooth experience. We went with our playgroup (Isabella and Abigail, along with their Moms and Isabella's older brother and sister.) Lauren had quite the attitude at first (all because Abigail's mom, Miss Nicole had a bag of chips and Lauren decided she wanted them instead of her french fries) But eventually she started eating and finished all of her food for the most part. We did take enough leftovers home for the kids to eat for dinner.
Back home the kids went down for a nap and I did a Netflix rented workout by Nancy Marmorat. Although the last workout dvd of hers I rented was tearfully horrible, I thought this one was okay. Maybe I felt sorry for her but I actually did think I got a toning/stretching workout in. I wasn't completely convinced that I got enough exercise so I ended up doing a General Hospital speed walk. (60 min.; 4.5mph; 2% incline)
For dinner I made red snapper (fish) and veggies baked in an airtight tin foil package. The fish turned out delicious but the veggies tasted like the white wine it was cooked in. I do like white wine but not the taste of veggies drenched in it. So once link to tonight's recipe. The veggies that I didn't bake with the snapper, I sauteed with olive oil and seasoned with Adobo, Garlic Salt and Greek those turned out DELISH.
After dinner I cleaned up while Lauren and Tyler played on the back deck. Lauren filled up a bucket with water from her Hello Kitty Water Jug and then went into the back yard to find leaves, grass, rocks, pine cones etc. etc. see if they would sink or float. She had such a fun time doing this that I'm upset I didn't get a picture.
Finally it was time for PJs, books and bed. They both got to talk to Daddy on the phone before bed and this was the first time that Lauren really talked to him on the phone. It was an actual back and forth conversation. I was very proud and I know her Daddy really enjoyed it too.
I'm sure he's very excited to come home tomorrow and see his adorable kids and most beautiful wife. =)
Till then....'night y'all.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
welcome Mavis
Since I owed Casey some money from the last time she baby-sat I had her come back over to watch the kids while I went to my community group. It was good to get together with other people from church but I wish I would feel more comfortable to talk about personal things, thoughts and questions I have. Hopefully as I keep going I will feel more comfortable. I put in a prayer request for my solo plane trip across the country with the kids this Sunday.
When I got back home Casey told me the kids did just fine. She said she couldn't find Tyler's "blankie" though. Oops. His spare is in the wash and I had his poor blankie in the car with me. She said he didn't cry and just went to bed anyway. Wow! After Casey left I took his blankie in his room and he was just sitting in bed. It seemed like he was waiting for me/the blankie. I laid it on his pillow and he immediately laid down and closed his eyes. Poor little guy.
And that was my day in a nutshell. I'm pretty tired so I will watch the boob toob for a bit and then go to bed. Tomorrow will be a big day doing laundry and figuring out what I need to pack for my much needed VACATION. whoo hoo. G'night All.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
"how many dark naps until Daddy gets home?"
Today was a beautiful day. The temps were in the 80s so it would have been a great day to get outside and do something but other than play in the sandbox we stayed close to home. I was getting mentally and physically prepared for our trip back home next week. I can't wait. The only sad thing is we'll only see Matt for one day. He gets back from his conference on Saturday and the kids and I leave on Sunday. We'll be sure to have a high quality day together when he gets home. He'll be out West with us soon enough though.
I don't have much else to say about today so I'll just describe it from the pics I took.
This morning we had to do the obligatory Thomas video. This was Tyler's preferred pose of the day. He loves to cross his leg over his knee. Too cute!
While Tyler watched a Thomas DVD, Lauren actually acted it out on the train set. This was a big pile up that Thomas had to come save the day.
One of my favorite t-shirts Tyler has....
Dinner was Ziti pasta with pancetta, green beans and basil. It was light, easy and really just okay. It was good but not to die for so no link to the recipe.
We had a special bath time tonight in my big bathtub. The kids loved all the bubbles and didn't want to get out.
On our way back downstairs to read books, Lauren insisted on helping Tyler down the stairs. She's such a loving and caring sister. And I'm sure Tyler knows how lucky he is...if not she's gonna remind him every chance she gets.
Way to Go Celtics
On Monday Matt didn't go in to the office before his trip out of town. Instead we ran some important grooming errands. I needed to get my nails and toes done and the kids needed hair-cuts. To save time Matt took the kids to get trimmed while I was at USA Nails. To ensure Tyler didn't come back with a buzz cut I wrote explicit instructions to the stylist on a napkin in the car..."no buzz cut" and a request to layer Lauren's bangs and hair. We decided to try a new place. We normally go to Snip-Its. (a specially-for-kids salon) It's colorful, has TVs, music, prizes and they charge a bit more for their cuts but the employees (at least where we go) don't seem to put much effort into making it an exciting experience. They actually don't really seem to like their job much at all. So to try something new and hopefully save some money we took them to Great Clips (there are one of these or something like it on almost every corner.) Matt said he was very impressed. He said he had to be by Tyler who was bit nervous so Lauren was on her own. He said L talked and talked to the stylist and had a great time. She even let her blow dry her hair. I really liked how they cut her hair too. We may have found a new place (and it was half the price of the premium kids salon.) How's that for a long winded description of a hair cut? and no pics to follow up.
Matt almost got off on his work trip without a hitch. Due to an accident on the Interstate he was 5 min. late for his flight. Luckily he only had to wait 1 1/2 hours for the next flight. He made it to Panama Beach, FL for a meeting and then Tuesday he flew to his conference in DC.
Tuesday morning I wanted to take the kids to see Mr. Magorium's Magic Emporium. The Georgian Cinema's offer free movies during the summer for kids and this is the one playing this month. When I drove by I saw 4 buses parked outside and long long lines of kids. I just kept driving. Maybe we'll try again when it's a cartoon and I'm sure the kids would really enjoy it. Instead we went to a bookstore and made it in time for their story-time. It was pretty cool. 1) Lauren and Tyler were the only kids there and got to pick their books and 2) they had the coolest Thomas train set the kid's have ever seen. We stayed there for over an hour playing and I found a couple of activities and books to pull out on the plane trip this Sunday.
After dinner Miss Casey came over to watch the kids while I went to the neighborhood pool for a Mom's Night Out pool party with the Mom's club. There were about 8 of us there and we had a good time. I brought some veggies and dips and also made Oatmeal Raisin bars. We're trying to plan a Wii Rockband night for the next one.
Hope everyone's having a good week.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
no pickles in the bath tub
After dinner we went outside in the front yard to play. We attracted the attention of Mr. Mike and his kids, big Tyler and Tera and also Joshua and David from across the street. The boys all played together while the girls (Lauren and Tera) dashed off upstairs into Lauren's bedroom. They were so cute together. As I was eaves-dropping I heard them making high pitch doll voices and they were interacting with each other more than I've ever witnessed before. It was sooo cool! Here's a couple pictures I was able to take.
At Dixieland the girls went on a couple of rides together. Tyler, Tera and Daddy went on the boat ride and they got to squirt water on Lauren and I who opted not to go on the ride. Here's a picture of Tera and Lauren on the "race car" ride (as they called it.)
After doing the outside rides we went into the kid's maze in the air-conditioned playroom. Everybody had a blast here and time flew by. Finally Tera and Lauren were showing obvious signs of "having had enough" so we decided to call it a day. Tera rode in the stroller out to the car and Lauren cried the whole way...she wasn't ready to go yet. Poor girl. She only had to fret for a few minutes as her and Tyler were both asleep by the time we exited the parking lot.
After we dropped Tera off at home we put our kids to nap and I started to prepare Matt's Father's Day Feast. He's such a good Daddy that I wanted to make a meal for him that had some actual RED MEAT in it to enjoy his special day. Of course I wanted it grilled on the BBQ (so he had to grill it) but's the thought that counts right?!
While the food was cooking Lauren presented Daddy with her and Tyler's 2nd father's day gift of the year to him. At church last week she made Daddy this and today I traced Tyler's hand to add his signature to the gift. (Tyler didn't hold still long enough but you get the point.)
For dinner we had Grilled Steak Sandwiches w/ Goat Cheese and Arugula, Twice-baked Potato Bites and Green Beans with Cider Vinaigrette.
It was sooo good. The bread I used for the sandwich was a bit tough but the potatoes and beans were to die for. I will definitely make this again but next time use a home-made egg bread for the steak sandwich. I can't wait. The heat wasn't quite miserable enough to keep us inside so we enjoyed our dinner on our new patio furniture on the back deck.
P.S. to elaborate on the title of today's post....during bath tonight Lauren informed me that she brought some pickles into the bathtub. (I have no idea what made her say this as she absolutely DID NOT bring any pickles into the bathtub.) Tyler got a complete kick out of this. I told them that the new rule was that there would be "No Pickles In The Bathtub". This (for some unknown reason) brought out big big laughs from the both of them....and this phrase has been on my mind ever since.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
free time
This morning I wrote out the weekly menu and made up the grocery list while Matt and the kids played "crash cars" in the basement. They love to play crash cars with Daddy. Tyler is still a bit afraid of the noisy cars (they rev up when you shake them and then take off on the track when you set them down.)
At 10am I took off for my hair appointment. It was time to get rid of the 2 inch dark brown grow out that is oozing out of my head. I would think after high-lighting my hair for so long that it would learn...but then Miss Cary would be out of $125 every 6 weeks. Anyway, I love my color and cut (the cut is the same as last time.) I took 4 pictures of myself but according to me I looked way too tired to post them on the blog. I'm also lacking make-up today so that might be part of it. Anyway, imagine your favorite movie star (tired and without make-up) and it pretty much looks just like that.
While I was getting my hair done the kids and Daddy watched the movie "Cars" Lauren said that Tyler really likes this movie and she wanted Daddy to play it for him. She's so sweet...most of the time.
After I got home we had lunch and then headed to Home Depot and the grocery store. I had them drop me off at the grocery store to save some time. I gave both Tyler and Lauren the option to go with me or go to Home Depot with Daddy. Lauren shouted out an adamant "DADDY!!" but my sweet darling favorite little boy in the world, Tyler happily chose me and the grocery store. How I love that boy! =) Although it was slightly more difficult with him (he kept telling me "I need that" to everything he saw and wanted to put everything I took off the shelf into the cart himself...which was fine but just took some time and mommy finesse to make sure nothing was broken) he was for the most part wonderful and I felt so special to be chosen over the almost-always-preferred-over-mommy-DADDY. After we were done Daddy and Lauren picked us up. They found a sink faucet and shower head for the basement bathroom.
shower head
Back home now the kids are napping and Matt is mowing the neighbors' lawns. He mowed ours yesterday so he only had 2 to do today.
And finally to close (as I hear movement upstairs) I'd like to share my disgusts at 1) unleaded gas prices and 2) our over-sized and yet NEEDED big gas guzzling vehicle by re-posting this picture from the gas station yesterday.
Friday, June 13, 2008
"it's not fair," says Tyler
This morning we had our Friday playdate. This week we were at Miss Cynthia's house.
She has 2 boys, Kyle (about 4) and Seth (about 2). Miss Nicole was there with Abigail as well. For the first hour my kids played right by my side but the second hour they relaxed a bit and played in the play room and also played with their friends.
After playgroup we all held our breaths as I drove to the gas station. The "low fuel" light has been on for a couple of trips now. Well I made it to Kroger where I get a 10 cent per gallon discount, keep in mind. The fill cost me over $90. I never thought this would happen...maybe I'm dating myself but c'mon....I remember thinking it outrageous when we spent $50 to fuel up when we first got the denali. Here's proof of our purchase. I was in shock and had to document the event with a picture.
On our way home we picked up some Taco Bell for lunch. My last batch of bread didn't turn out and so we didn't have much at home for lunch. I had bean burritos and the kids had TB's newest item...the cheesy roll-ups. Yumm and yuck at the same time.
While the kids napped I did a GH workout and then made a new batch of bread. I'm happy to say that this loaf turned out much better.
After the kids woke up Joshua (he's probably 5 years old and lives across the street..Morgan's little brother) came over and asked if he could play. I sent all of them outside to play in the sandbox and later had them come inside to have a slices and animal crackers. Lauren really enjoyed his visit. She stuck by his side the whole time. Here's a picture of her watching him play her Leapster video game.
Tonight was my Bunco night so I told Matt him and the kids were on their own for dinner. He opted to take them back to the Mellow Mushroom. I sent the camera with him to take a few shots but he said his hands were full the entire time. I guess the kids did okay but they weren't quite perfect angels for him. I'll have to ask him for more details later.
I had a good time at Bunco. I didn't win any money but enjoyed the time chatting with the ladies.
And for the last shot on the camera....
Matt discovered his Father's Day present which wasn't hidden well enough and so we let him open it. The kids (I) got him some Molasses Clove cookies from Dancing Deer Bakery. I heard about this bakery from one of the blogs I love to read and wanted to try them out. Matt enjoyed his present even though it was a few days early.
And now I'm off to brush my teeth and get to bed. We have a lot to do this weekend before Matt heads out of town.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
wednesday & thursday
Later that evening we had a massive thunderstorm. While the thunder was rumbling, I noticed Tyler kept peeking out the window.
Shortly after we got some serious rain.
Shortly after that the power went out for about an hour or so. Tyler did okay but Lauren was a bit freaked out. We brought down many many candles and tried to have as much fun as possible during the outage. Even Miss Dana came over to enjoy the excitement since her kids were at Grammy's house for the week. Matt stayed late at work so as not to drive through the torrential downpour but he got home in time to put the kids to bed.
And today was a typical Thursday. I volunteered at church and both kiddos played in the adjacent room while I helped out with the Sunday school preparation. After being overly busy for the most part of this week, the kids and I were all exhausted, We all took a nap this afternoon. Mine only lasted 1 hr. while the kids napped 3 hrs. plus. I'm so jealous.
This evening we had homemade pizza with ricotta, sauteed asparagus, green onions & sun-dried tomatoes.
After dinner I started a deep clean of the house while Daddy and the kids played outside. The kiddos enjoyed a lemonade pop and had fun cruising around in the wagon.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day and love to all.